Where many hearts are beating? Quantitative and qualitative mapping of additional residents
In recent years, CRT has explored the importance of many people being more mobile and having the opportunity to reside and associate in more places than in the past. Among other things, we see in Denmark that popular tourist spots in the Danish rural areas are increasingly attracting cottage dwellers and other part-time residents who like to get involved in local development projects and events. We call this group Optional residents. But who are they and how many are they talking about? What do they engage in? How is the cooperation between the 'permanent' residents and the optional residents actually going? And what can you do as a local development actor who wants to create a good framework for the participation of the residents of the selected area? In this project, CRT cooperates with four tourist islands: namely Bornholm, Samsø, Ærø and Christiansø. Together, we will evaluate the elective residents and collect 'best practices' for fruitful cooperation between rural communities and the residents of the elective.